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Emergency medical care & patient transfer services

BC Emergency Health Services provides pre-hospital emergency services and inter-facility patient transfers throughout the province and oversees the BC Ambulance Service and BC Patient Transfer Services.

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BCEHS paramedics respond to 4% fewer overdose/drug poisoning calls in 2024BCEHS paramedics respond to 4% fewer overdose/drug poisoning calls in 2024New data published by BC Emergency Health Services (BCEHS) shows a slight decrease in the number of overdose/poisoning patient events compared to the previous year.
Community Paramedic Chris Michel goes the extra mile to make a difference for patientsCommunity Paramedic Chris Michel goes the extra mile to make a difference for patientsBC Emergency Health Services paramedic Chris Michel has been recognized with the PHSA+ Award in the category of Excellence in Patient/Client and Family-Centred Care for his exceptional service to patients as a community paramedic.
For the 20th year, Santa brings holiday cheer to hospitalized children on a very special sleighFor the 20th year, Santa brings holiday cheer to hospitalized children on a very special sleighOn Dec. 10, Santa took flight on a BCEHS air ambulance to visit children at six B.C. hospitals including BC Children’s Hospital.
Helijet and BCEHS celebrate 20 years of “Santa Flights” and bringing Christmas cheer to kids in BC hospitalsHelijet and BCEHS celebrate 20 years of “Santa Flights” and bringing Christmas cheer to kids in BC hospitals
2023/2024 BCEHS Progress Report2023/2024 BCEHS Progress Report​The BCEHS Progress Report provides a snapshot of our organization, our people, and our work over the 2023/2024 fiscal year.

SOURCE: Emergency medical care & patient transfer services ( )
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